2022-23 Arminia Bielefeld Schedule

What Arminia Bielefeld football match is on today in Bundesliga. Arminia 2022 full fixture of matches including game schedule, start time, date, location, scores, how to watch, and results in you need to know.

Where Does Arminia Bielefeld play their home game?

Bielefelder Alm Stadium in Bielefeld, Germany is the home of the Arminia Bielefeld football team.

When is Arminia Bielefeld’s next match?

Arminia Bielefeld will take FC Magdeburg for the Bundesliga match on Sun, Nov 13 at 7:30 a.m. ET.

What TV does it on today?

Most of Arminia’s games are available on FuboTV in the United States.

DateOpponentTime (ET)League
Sun, Nov 131. FC Magdeburg7:30 AMGerman 2. Bundesliga